Making Furniture Beautiful

Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments
Posh Chalk Pigments

Posh Chalk Pigments

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Posh Chalk Pigments come in a range of 5 stunning colours.  These unique powders should be mixed with a varnish to achieve a metallic-look finish, or can be mixed with waxes, topcoats, and other media (water-based or oil-based) to achieve different effects. Alternatively, you can sprinkle the pigment directly onto your project, and apply your sealing medium afterwards.

The gold and copper colours, really do look like these metals and will make your project POP. Watch liquid gold, silver, and copper appear before your eyes. When used with a solvent-based varnish, they dry rapidly.

PRO TIP: A little pigment goes a long way, so use sparingly.

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