Making Furniture Beautiful

Annie Sloan Paisley Floral Garland Stencil A4
Annie Sloan Paisley Floral Garland Stencil A4
Annie Sloan Paisley Floral Garland Stencil A4
Annie Sloan Paisley Floral Garland Stencil A4

Annie Sloan Paisley Floral Garland Stencil A4

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The Paisley Floral Garland stencil can be used as a flower string design along horizontal surfaces or repeated to create a high impact chintz look. The paisley shape synonymous with traditional Indian designs is inspired by the tropical mango – but named after the town of Paisley in Scotland (where many Kashmiri shawls were made). Paint in hot, spicy Chalk Paint® colours or indigo Oxford Navy to channel the Paisley Floral Garlands Annie was inspired by in Rajasthan.

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