Making Furniture Beautiful

Candied Cranberry No Wax Chock Paint

Candied Cranberry No Wax Chock Paint

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Miss Lillian’s NO-WAX Chock Paint – is offered in 150 (and growing!) beautiful colours as well as being Non-VOC, Low Odor and Delicately Textured. Miss Lillian's is Chock Full of Colorful Goodness!

It is safe to use around your home, kids, pets and not harmful to the environment. No Stripping, Sanding or Waxing Required!

Since the introduction of the Original NO WAX Chock Paints, Miss Lillian's have expanded their product line to include a wide variety of Products to Prep, Paint, Glaze, Stain, Embellish and Finish your project!

Miss Lillian's is the Home of the Best Selling Uncle Jeff’s ORIGINAL Swamp Mud™ – Often Imitated, NEVER Duplicated!

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